The Primary (New) Word
If something is superseded by something newer, it is replaced because it has become old-fashioned or unacceptable.
The Secondary Word
Word to be substituted for - Succeeded
For further information about this word including pronunciation, sentence examples and synonyms – click here
Example 1:
(Principal Word: Superseded)
The word known as the girdle, which shaped the body of a woman - has been 'superseded' by Lycra wear.
Example 2:
(Secondary Word: Succeeded)
The word Lycra wear succeeds the word girdle, as a piece of women's clothing that shapes the body.
Therefore I can use the word 'superseded' as a substitute word for 'succeeded.'
In using this system, you will learn two words at a time, both having the same or a similar meaning. Therefore, in the above example, you will l earn 'Superceded' / 'Suceeded.' The forward slash can be interpreted as meaning (in the sense of) therefore you are learning the word 'Superceded' in the sense of 'succession' or 'succeeded' in that sense. This is important in the English Language, for in this example the word 'succeeded' can also mean - to be successful, which has a completely different meaning altogether. These 'extras' can be regarded as mini lessons, which a diligent student of the English Language, would go away and pursue further. These mini lessons can be found in Chapter x 'Mini Lessons' (pages xx for the word 'Superseded' / 'Succeeded.)